Our first workshop leader of the year, Mr. Mel Catalano, shared with TWS students what it is like to own his own business and to work on automobiles. He also taught the children that in his business, like many others, professionals are often faced with difficult ethical choices. Mr. Catalano pointed out that many car owners are relatively unfamiliar with how cars run, so in the car repair business there is the constant temptation to "take advantage" of those who are uninformed. He explained that as a Christian, he has always prided himself on running an honest business and has been blessed by many loyal customers who trust him and his advice.
Mr. Catalano brought many unique automobile parts for the kids to explore and learn about. To help them better understand the complex world of cars, he paralleled the human body with that of an automobile. He explained that, just like the human body, an automobile needs to be taken care of. It requires good fuel and runs best and for a longer time when you provide it with regular maintenance. He continued to relate the different systems of a car to the human body and its systems. For instance, he compared the filer system of a car to the breathing system in a human -- the lungs of a car (the filters) are not unlike the lungs in the human which work to help keep the body free from impurities. Similarly, the brain of a car (a computer) is not unlike the brain of a human which works at lightning speed to control and make decisions based on the information provided. It was a fascinating lesson with many hands on activities for the kids.