Analytical, perfectionist, kind-hearted, gentleman: these are four of the first characteristics that come to mind when thinking of our friend and Workshop Leader, Mr. Carl Pesce. Mr. Carl, as he likes to be called, is one of those individuals that when you meet him you cannot deny his love for God because he lives his faith. What he won't tell you himself about his life is that he serves others whenever he is given the chance. So, as you can imagine, when asked to come and lead a workshop for our children, he said "YES", twice! Mr. Carl has an impressive background, which includes but is not limited to working as an electrical engineer for the U.S. government on the first nuclear powered generator at Argonne National Laboratories and designing the electronics in robots to help run them. You can imagine how excited the kids were to learn that he would be sharing his knowledge with them. Mr. Carl did an amazing job of taking very complicated, high level concepts and bringing them down to a level that our children could easily understand. He designed two very hands-on TWS workshops which we ran back-to-back because the second workshop further developed concepts presented in the first workshop.
First, Mr. Carl spent time talking about what he enjoyed doing as child. He brought with him many special items from when he was young including a model plane, a Ham radio, art work, switches and bulb testers that his dad made, and an award-winning design that he made for an architectural contest when he was a teen. All of these had great significance to his message of: "You have to LOVE what you do!" He explained to our children that if you don't love what you do, you will end up with a job you hate instead of a vocation that you love each and every day. Mr. Carl was blessed to find his vocation in electrical engineering and encouraged our kids to spend time thinking about what they enjoy and are good at now and as they grow. This way they will be in tune their likes and dislikes before they have to make decisions that direct their career. He told them, "If you don't enjoy doing it…STOP, and find something else. We all have special God-given talents and you will find yours. Don't worry!" He informed both the kids and the adults present about what a career in electrical engineering looks like today, what opportunities there are and in what fields.
During the second half of the first workshop, Mr. Carl taught our children about electricity -- what it is, how it works and how to create it. He had them complete two hands-on experiments that demonstrated how electricity is generated. Then, during his second workshop, Mr. Carl taught our kids about nuclear power. He explained and then physically demonstrated what a controlled and uncontrolled reaction looks like. He explained how he designed and built electrical instruments to measure and control a nuclear reactor. Then he explained how these electrical systems are used to control a reactor so that we can receive electricity in our homes. It was very informative and "generated" an engaging conversation about Chernobyl and current events involving the development of nuclear generators in foreign countries today. Mr. Carl went on to explain the second phase in his career, working for Continental Group also as an electrical engineer. Here, he helped to develop the electronics within the machines used in the manufacturing of plastic drinking bottles and aluminum cans. The children learned a great deal and also very much enjoyed their special time with Mr. Carl. Thank you for sharing!!